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Governance of digital security, Security management and management of security projects, Cyber ​​Service Delivery : Cybersecurity referent Certified by ANSSI / Support & Coaching on ISS / Cybersecurity Coordinator

Transition CISO
Part-Time CISO
Security Governance Consultant
Cyber Project Manager
Cybersecurity Procurement Advisor
47 years old
Driving License
PARIS (75016)
Professional Status
About Me
I have been a cybersecurity professional for over 12 years with experience in several areas of cybersecurity (industrial, enterprise). Able to manage cybersecurity integration projects, I provide digital security governance consulting. I use my skills and network to support the safety of toddlers and children through my association #IWAS and the Children Security Small Business Club CSBC.


Hummingbird Center

(2022) The role of fantasy in complex trauma
(2022) What is the adult self in complex trauma and dissociation?
(2021) Working with Resistance
(2021) Transference, countertransference and erotic transference in complex trauma and dissociation
(2021) Ethics, Boundaries in Complex Trauma and Dissociation
(2021) Dealing with Traumatic Memory in Dissociation
(2021) Suicidality and self-harm
(2021) Treatment trajectories and prognosis
(2021) Assessing Complex Trauma and Dissociation
(2020) Working with the Inner Critic
(2020) Building New Pathways for Professionals Practical Strategies to Support Children and Adolescents with Developmental Trauma
(2020) Working with Chronic Shame
(2020) Attachment & Dependence in the Therapeutic Relationship